Table Tennis:

Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a ball back using lightweight, empty table. The game takes place on a hard table divided by the net. Except for the original players to allow the ball, he played only one bounce on their side against them and must be returned to the table, so it returned on the face. Points are scored when a player does not return the ball in the rules. Play fast and makes a quick response. Skilled players can extend more varieties of spin on the ball, changed its trajectory and limiting the possibility for a great advantage.

Table tennis international table tennis Federation is controlled by a global Foundation (ITTF), established in 1926. INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS FEDERATION currently consists of 215 members of the Association.regulations officially listed in the Guide to INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS FEDERATION. Since 1988 has been on the Olympic sport of table tennis, with some kind of event. In particular, from 1988 until 2004, they were: men's singles, women's singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Since 2008 has been replaced by team events.


The game originated as a sport in England in the 1880s, where he played between the Upper class, such as after the game dinner, Lounge-then often referred to as "wiff-waff". The line along the center of the table as NET books, two others by regulars is the ball and used continuously hit the golf ball from a table.Then, ping pong paddles made from cigar boxes and covers played with champagne corks or the corkline.The popularity of this game led game manufacturers to sell the commercial devices. Early rackets usually pieces of parchmentstretched on the frame and sound in the game for the game its first nicknames, creating "wiff-waff" and "ping-pong". Some sources indicate that the original game has been the subject of attention of Hamley Regent Street under the name "Gossima". The name "ping-pong" used before English manufacturer j. Jaques & Son Ltd trademarked it in 1901. The name "ping-pong" was later used for the game play is quite expensive Jaquesses device with other manufacturers call it table tennis. A similar situation arose in the United States where Jaques sold the rights to the name "ping-pong" Parker Brothers.


Competitive table tennis is popular in Asia and Europe and is gaining attention in the United States. The most important international competitions are the table tennis World Championships, World Championships, Olympic Games, and table tennis ITTF Pro Tour. Continental competitions include the UEFA Europe Top-12 Championships and Asian Games of theAsian. The Chinese player won the men's World Championship, 60% of the time since 1959;the women's competition, Chinese players won all but three of the World Championship since 1971. Other strong teams come from countries in Southeast Asia and Europe, including Austria, Belarus, Germany, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sweden, and Taiwan.

There are professional competitions at both clubs. National League of countries such as the people's Republic of China (people's Republic of China table tennis Super League), Germany, France, Belgium and Austria are examples of the highest level. There are a number of important international club teams, such as the European Champions League, European Cup competition and a club, where the top club teams from European countries to compete.

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