
Diving is a sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, sometimes at the same time performing acrobatics. Diving is recognized at international level, the sport that is part of the Olympics.In addition, unstructured and non-competitive diving is a recreational game.

Diving is one of the most popular sports in the Olympic Games with spectators. Many competitors have the same characteristics as gymnasts and dancers, including strength, flexibility, kinaesthetic attributes of a judgment and air awareness.

In the not too distant future, China came to a few decades ago, when he was coach Liang Boxi and rebuild National sport after intense study of the dominant Louganis. China has lost a few titles from around the world. The success of Greg Louganis led to power American diving internationally. Countries in the sport include Australia, Canada, and Italy.

Competitive diving:

Most diving consists of three areas: 1 and 3 m springboards; and platforms. Competitive athletes are divided by gender and age. In the platform event competitors are allowed to perform their dives into five, seven and a half (usually just called seven) or ten meter towers. The major diving meets, including the Olympics and World Championship diving platform is based on the height of 10 m.

Divers have to perform a number of dives in accordance with the requirements, including somersaults and twists. Divers are judged on whether and to what they have completed all aspects of diving, diving with the compliance body, and the amount of startup created by their entry into the water. The possible effects of ten is divided into three points to take off, flight and three for three for positions with more affordable flexibility for judges.

Raw score is multiplied by a coefficient of difficulty, the number and combination of movements attempted.Only with the highest score after a sequence of dives is declared the winner.

Synchronized diving:

Synchronized diving was adopted as an Olympic sport in 2000. Two divers form a band and perform dives simultaneously. DIVES are usually identical; However, sometimes diving can be conflicts in what is Messier. In these events, diving is considered to be both on the quality of implementation and synchronicity-in time to boot entry, height, and driving.

Mechanics of diving:

At the time of the release of two aspects of the dive are determined, and then may not be changed during runtime. One is the trajectory of the dive, and the second is of angular momentum.

The speed of rotation-and therefore the sum of the spins is longer from time to time be varied by changing the shape of the body, in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum.

Center of mass of the diver follows a parabolic path in units under the influence of gravity (ignoring the effects of air resistance, which are not relevant to the speeds involved).

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