Archery is the art, practice or skill, propelling arrows with the bow of the "arc" (Latin). Archery has historically been used for hunting andcombat; in the modern era, but its main use is recreational activities. Anyone who practises Archery is usually known as "Archer" or "Bowman" and anyone who loves or an expert at archery can be referred to as a "toxophilite."


It seems that the bow was invented in the late Paleolithic or early in the period mezolitických. The oldest indication for use in Europe comes from the Ahrensburg Valley North of the Stellmoorin Hamburg, Germany and date from the late Paleolithic, about 10000 — 9000 BC the arrows were made of pine and long front comprises a mainshaft and a 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) shaft in Flint. There is no definite earlier Bows; previously pointed shafts are known, but it might start atlatls rather than bows. The oldest bows known so far from Holmegaard bog in DenmarkBows eventually replaced the Atlatl as the predominant means for launching shaft projectiles, on every continent except Australia (Woomera rocket used), although the Atlatl persisted alongside the Bow in parts of North and South America, especially Mexico (from which comes the name of the Nahuatl) and among the Inuit.

Bows and arrows was in predynastic Egyptian culture of origin. In the Levant, artifacts which may be arrow Straighteners are known from the Natufian culture (CA. 800-12, 10, 300 BP (before present)) onwards.Khiamian and VPI, which may well Khiam points an arrow key.

Classical civilizations, notably the Assyrians, Persians, Parthians, Indians, Koreans, Chinese and Japanese and Turks have sent large numbers of archers in their armies. The Sanskrit term for archery, dhanurveda, came to refer to martial arts in General.

Archery, highly developed in Asia and the Islamic world. In East Asia the ancient Korean civilizations, such as Silla and Baekje, Koguryo well known for his exceptionally skilled archers regiments.[2] the Central Asian tribes will (after domestication of the horse) and the American Indians of the Plains (after gaining access to horse) very well versed in archery on horseback. In the room, France in 1346, the English Longbow proved to be the first time in a continental war.

Technique and form:

The bow is held in the hand opposite to the Archer's dominant eye, though holding the bow in the dominant hand is advocated by some. This hand is also bow and thebow his arm. The opposite side is called the drawing hand or string manually. Terms such as bow strings or shoulder elbow under the Convention.Right eye dominant archers hold the bow with the left hand, have their left hand, facing the object, view towards their right eye and handle the arrow and string with their right hand.

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