
A sport shooting is a competitive sport involving tests of proficiency (accuracy and speed) using different types of weapons as firearms and airguns (seearchery for more details on standards: keepsakes using bows and arrows). Hunting is also a sport shooting, and indeed shooting LIVE pigeons was anOlympic event (even if only once, in 1900). Shooting sports are organized by type of firearm or target is used.


Shooting is a generic term that applies to non-traditional shooting sports in general, characterized by rapid movement at each stage of shooting, where most or all begins with Holster draw small arms. Practical example: "the gun" as in the international practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), the United States practical shooting Association (USPSA) and the International Association on the defensive Pistol (IDPA) and cowboy action shooting, ActionAirgun (AAG) and "three-gun" events listed below. The two latter involving the use of rifles, pistols and rifles in the same tournament.

Disciplines such as the National Rifle Association Gun, also known as Bianchi Cup, also belong to the category of action shooting, but extreme accuracy fired within tight deadlines, are more crucial than the default speed of gross.


3-gun shooting events (not to be confused with NRA 3-gun "Conventional Pistol" events fired with a pipe, centerfire and .45 caliber pistol) is practical shooting events where the levels are shot with a combination of a rifle, pistol and shotgun. Games generally involve courses in which the shooter must move through various stages and engage targets in a variety of positions. Each step involves the use of different weapons and rifle transition between different firearms. Force multipliers are typically associated with points based on the caliber ammunition shooter using. Although 3-gun competitions take place in most local areas, is the largest annual events in the United States on the USPSA 3-gun nationals, MGM Ironman 3 gun, Rocky Mountain 3-Gun, DPMS Tri-gun challenge and superstition mountain mystery 3-gun.

Submachine gun:

A submachine gun (SMG) is a weapon that has a mixture of guns and gun properties. The smaller cartridge with a gun, but is completely automated and typically has a barrel more than later.
Submachine Gun competition was in existence for over 20 years and is growing in popularity every year.

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